My piece for City AM.


Sunday trading has always been a complex issue. There are genuine worries about the impact of reform, not least on shop workers. And if anything, opponents will portray defeat of the reforms as supportive of small businesses and independent shopkeepers.

Across any reasonable measure, Britain is very open to businesses of all sizes. The government has already put a range of supportive policies in place, from lower corporation tax through to its constant drive against red tape regulation. Business wants action on infrastructure, and the government is delivering on that too.

In the upcoming Autumn Statement, we are likely to see even more business-friendly measures, particularly around business rates and the strengthening of the Northern Powerhouse initiative.

Even the heart of the approach to EU reform is based on improved competitiveness. Despite rebel MPs causing a hindrance in this instance, David Cameron and George Osborne know the value of maintaining a Britain open to business.