London, the UK. Big Ben, the Palace of Westminster at sunset. The icon of England

In a result that exceeded the expectations of most Conservatives, the party will have, or will be close to having, a majority. Far from now entering a period of permanent coalition governments, we can now look forward to single party governments elected under the first past the post electoral system.

The compromises over policy that some feared and others welcomed will now only happen if it fits with the political needs of the Conservative Party. It can move forward, largely unhindered, with its programme for government. The manifesto commitments can be delivered or postponed as they see fit.

So what can we expect from the new Government:

  • The Prime Minister has already promised to bring the UK together – so more on devolution to cities, a changing relationship with Scotland and proposals for English-only voting. In essence, major constitutional change including boundary changes.
  • An EU vote and a period of disruption to policy-making whilst negotiations take place. David Cameron has already said that he would recommend withdrawal if he doesn’t get the deal he wants. This could mean that businesses say one thing and the printed media say another.
  • The re-emergence of calls for a Scottish referendum, especially if EU withdrawal happens – but this time around there will be little Labour presence to campaign for the Union. It will be up to the Conservatives to go north and champion the cause.
  • The rise of Boris – with his reputation intact with London not turning red, he will have a definite eye to taking over from David Cameron. This means on issues such as airport expansion we can expect more debate rather than decisions.
  • Cuts – the main challenge for the new Government is to decide where the cuts will fall. Local authorities are already warning of the dangers of cutting locally.

With a clear result, this Government will keep going until 2020. Yes, Cameron will face difficulties along the way but the fact has ensured a proper victory will help keep his party in line.

We can all start planning for #GE2020!