Two professionals engaged in discussion.Business colleagues talking in office meeting

There can often be a need to get ahead of an issue and to lead the debate. This can help secure stakeholder attention and contribute to the process of becoming a trusted adviser. But how can you do that?

There are obviously many ways that an organisation can seek to lead the debate. In some issue areas the path will be clearer than for others. In some spaces, the quest for attention and to lead the debate is much more competitive.

The reasons for seeking to lead are most keenly focused on gaining traction with key stakeholders. Leading the debate can help position you as an expert. Such an active contribution means that you stand a higher chance of being listened to and gaining the influence being sought.

That expertise is a very necessary part of the journey to being a trusted adviser. Unless you have something to contribute, some insight, expertise, experience, or data then you really do not have any expertise. If you do have it then you need to be able to convey it to the right people, at the right time.

So how can you lead the debate?

  • Quietly, over time – leading the debate does not necessarily need to be played out in public. It can be done just one-to-one with stakeholders;
  • big bang – the efforts could be about how you grab attention in a very public way. If this is the case, then consideration will need to be given to the media relations as well. Will they be interested in your potential story?;
  • thought leadership – I have written previous posts about the role of thought leadership (for instance here and here). It is important to remember that it can be led by an individual or by an organisation. It depends on who wants to ‘own’ it and how it fits with the rest of your campaign;
  • the format can vary – there is no single way that is best, the form can vary including contributing to other people’s work; specialist research; White Papers. It also doesn’t need to just be about the delivering work in a written format. Consider images, videos etc. It can all work depending on your intended audience;
  • business relations – you can think more broadly than just the specific policy area that you are trying to influence. You could, for instance, lead the debate in key areas of your business or ESG plans. This could be seen more in terms of building reputation to secure influence; and
  • partner with others – think about working with others if that helps lend credibility to you or enables you to reach stakeholders than might otherwise elude you.

If you are though going to try and lead the debate, then there some basic ground rules to consider:

  • Ensure the issue is related to your core activities, not just added on to get some publicity;
  • deliver what the stakeholder really wants, not what you think they need to hear;
  • work out where the best space for you to lead is;
  • prepare for pushback, especially in more competitive spaces. You could encounter criticism;
  • plan properly to lead the debate and the stay out in front. Do not fade badly after your initial efforts;
  • never be afraid to pro-actively reach out to audiences, it won’t all happen organically; and
  • do not underestimate the time involved.

Critically, plan and prepare to lead. Take the necessary steps and you can make it work.