The Dictionary of Labour Quotations

The Dictionary of Labour Quotations

Posted by: on Sep 11, 2013 | No Comments

Anyone who has an interest in Labour or the left needs a copy of this brilliant compendium of left-leaning quotations. The collection features all the best quotes from all the great thinkers, whether they were reactionary or revolutionary, campaigning or policy-making, thinking aloud or writing it all down. The likes of Marx, Miliband, Attlee and Aristotle stand side by side in this neat reference guide, where you’ll find the best of Brown, Blair and Balls along with all that Rousseau, Robespierre and Russell had to say.

The Dictionary of Labour Quotations brings together insights, remarks, retorts, wit and wisdom, making it essential reading for everyone with a passion for the Labour Party, socialism or the left side of politics.

‘The power of words is fundamental to political life. They help to influence, convince, change minds and appeal. By looking through the history of the left, this book provides a clear demonstration that what you say, and how to say it, really matters.’

Philip Collins, chief leader writer and columnist for The Times, and former chief speech-writer for Prime Minister Tony Blair

‘A refreshing reminder that Labour politicians are able to speak with clarity, passion and humour – required reading for today’s cohort.’

Matthew Taylor, former Downing Street political strategist

‘This book has pulled off the difficult trick of bringing together the varied thinking and views of the left. It captures the seriousness and also the humour of the left. It’s a must for anyone interested in the Labour Party, or in wider British politics.’

Paul Richards, Labour activist, columnist, former special adviser and author of Be Your Own Spin Doctor


The Dictionary of Labour Quotations

Total Politics Guide to Political Blogging in The UK

Total Politics Guide to Political Blogging in The UK

Posted by: on Sep 9, 2010 | No Comments

Stuart contributed a chapter, ‘The Rise of Consultation’.


The rise of consultation

Now that we all live in the Coalition Government’s ‘Big Society’ that means getting more and more used to our opinions being sought on a range of issues, from the services offered by Councils, to where new developments are built or whether NHS services in your area needs to change.

This trend is only set to continue and social media such as blogs and twitter can help to democratise decision-making, allowing more people to get involved from a broader cross section of society.  Engagement will no longer focus on the needs of a few well resourced NIMBYS but should instead take a broader view of those who will take part and how to allow them to do so.

Over the past twenty years we have moved from a situation where decision-makers did not need to listen to anyone to one where they have to listen.  The availability of technology alongside increasingly onerous legal requirements on organisations to consult and listen mean that online campaigns, blogs and social media have provided people with the power to make themselves heard.

The Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition Government uses twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube as ways of keeping the public informed, but is also championing engagement as a way of helping to make the big decisions which it faces.  It is using the internet and social media to consult on major planks of its agenda such as the Spending Review, and which laws and regulations should be got rid of.  The ‘Your Freedom’ website encourages feedback and the comments left are a mix of tweets and more considered blog posts.

The Coalition’s Programme for Government promised a range of new measures which will encourage participation at national and local levels.  David Cameron’s Big Society has three core strands – social action, public service reform and community empowerment.  All of this to create communities with ‘oomph’.  However, this ‘oomph’ will only be delivered if it is made easy for the public to participate, and what easier way to do this than limiting contributions to 140 characters?


Total Politics Guide to Political Blogging 2010/11